El origen del vermut se lo atribuyen a los griegos, pero a esta bebida la hicieron popular los italianos gracias a un tabernero de Turín, en el año 1786, el cual comenzó a experimentar con vino y hierbas.
A partir de allí el vermut comenzó su exitosa carrera por casi todo Europa.
Este vermut es un amaro de color rojizo, teja y burdeos marrones, se suele servir con hielo y algún tipo de cítrico para aportar frescor.
Este vermut es un amaro de color rojizo, teja y burdeos marrones, se suele servir con hielo y algún tipo de cítrico para aportar frescor.
The origin of vermouth is attributed to the Greeks, but this drink was made popular by the Italians thanks to a tavern keeper in Turin, in 1786, who began to experiment with wine and herbs.
From there, vermouth began its successful career throughout almost all of Europe.
This vermouth is a reddish, tile and burgundy-brown amaro, it is usually served with ice and some type of citrus to bring freshness.
From there, vermouth began its successful career throughout almost all of Europe.
This vermouth is a reddish, tile and burgundy-brown amaro, it is usually served with ice and some type of citrus to bring freshness.